
Five Minute Friday is upon us again.

The prompt today is Yes!  As I pondered this overnight, I was thinking about how yes is seen as a positive response and no is a negative one.  But does it have to be this way?  What about the number of times we say no, so we can answer yes.

For example, if I said yes to everything I was asked to do, I would run into conflicts with scheduling for one. With patience and energy for another, with an unhappy husband, and some shoddy work, I’m afraid.  I don’t believe we have to answer yes to everything requested of us.  God has given us only so many hours in the day and we can’t do everything asked.  For one, there just isn’t enough time.

Secondly, we are not the only one who can answer yes, so by agreeing to do something we’re not excited about, we could be taking the place of someone far more qualified, who God really wanted to use in this position.
I’m not a babysitter.  I have on occasion sat for friends who are in a bind, but after every time, I find myself regretting that Yes, and wishing I’d said no.  I end up resenting and regretting the decision.

We are not qualified for everything.  By saying no to some things, it will allow us to say Yes, when it is something that we really feel being led to do.  Taking into consideration, our talents, our interests, and our physical abilities, we need to say No at times so we can say Yes later.  That is how I think Yes can be a negative at times and No can be a positive.

2 thoughts on “Yes!

  1. I completely agree with the idea that sometimes when we say ‘yes’ even though we aren’t committed, excited, or called to that ‘yes’ we may be preventing someone else from answering that ‘yes’ from a place of true desire, commitment, and calling! Also, your sentence ‘We are not qualified for everything.’ MMMMM!!!! My oh my how much truth exists in those six words!! Praying for discernment from God to know when He is calling for a yes from me! Also, to know when my ‘yes’ is not the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank Rebekah for the feedback. I took a different approach than most for this prompt and didn’t think it had resonated with anyone. But I had to write what was in my heart.
      Thanks so much for reading and commenting. 🙂


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