Quick post about quirks.

Quirks.  We all have them and it’s what makes us who we are, somewhat.
Today as I was emptying the dishwasher and putting the dishes away, I thought about how I favor certain colors of drinking glasses and will hide them in the back of the cupboard so I can have them to use when I want a drink.  The pink and blue ones if you must know.  A vibrant fuschia shade of pink and a rich royal blue color.  These are plastic glasses I bought at Walmart once and were probably 4/$1 as that’s how I roll.  Everyday, doesn’t matter if they get dropped on the floor or left outside, plastic drinking glasses.
Growing up we drank out of those awful aluminum tumblers that were different colored or glass drinking glasses.  The aluminum were the worst.  Still makes my fillings hurt thinking about it.  My sister agrees and both of us prefer to drink out of plastic while both of our husbands prefer glass.
Just one of those little quirks that make me smile when I think about them.

2 thoughts on “Quick post about quirks.

  1. ya, I remember when aluminum stuff was everywhere, you couldn’t get away from it. Everything was aluminum, and I guess the idea was “hey, lets see how many things we can make out of aluminum, and make a fortune,….and they did!” Then it was melamine dishware, then Tupperware. Yes, that was an era.


    1. You’re right. They did make other things out of aluminum. I had forgotten. Hubby and I went into an antiques store one day quite a few years ago and there were those aluminum tumblers, along with a slew of other things we each recognized from our childhoods. I think that is the day we fully recognized how old we were.


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